Hi fellas, do you know that we’re less than a week away (WHAT?!) from Ied?? OMG. It’s Lailatul Qadr night already! Welcome to the Night of Power or the Night of Decree, dear our Muslim friends. May we be among those whose doa is accepted, our sins forgiven, and our taqwa increased. Most importantly, may we be able to be istiqamah and become better versions of ourselves this Ramadan and beyond. Amin!
April sure passed really fast and many things happen. Days ago, Mas Gepeng cried over the news about Hiu Kencana, warriors of KRI Naggala-402 (Indonesia submarine) which happened to be drowned by the sea. We also shocked by how Covid-19 situation in India, Asian-Hate in the US, and other receh news from Atta-Aurel royal wedding which had Pak Jokowi as the guest star, Indonesian netizen being disrespectful for Thailand gay couple, an Indonesia baby boy named Vicenzo Cassano, and so on. What a busy world, huh. How about #justinindyo’s world? Let us share some of our wispy updates.
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Kak Justin, turut prihatin atas berpulangnya kucing Kakak 😭 tapi turut bahagia karena ada another kucing yang bisa Kakak beri kebahagiaan 🤗 serta turut bahagia atas rumah baru Kakak! Whoaa, pasti sangat excited untuk segera pindah 🙈 para anabul juga pasti hepi akan punya kamar dan tempat main yang luas 😍. Btw, Deli is too cute! Mukanya gemes banget 😆
Semoga puasa Kak Justin dilancarkan sampai nanti lebaran ya 😁
Hai Lia, ketemu Deli sungguh jadi berkah di hidup kami. Awalnya dia susah makan, kurus banget, tulang rusuknya kelihatan, tulang pinggulnya menonjol, untung masih mau diajak main. Setelah dikasih obat cacing dua kali dan dipancing dengan vitamin nafsu makan, wah perutnya sudah makin bundel dan makin pecicilan! Anak hebat betul dia ini hihihi. Lia sehat sehat juga ya. Btw tampilan blognya bagus deh, balik lagi pake gambar, bikin seger liatnya 🙂
Syukurlah 🥺 akhirnya Deli tumbuh sehat dan lincah 🥺 glad to hear that! Semoga Deli panjang umurnyaaa.
Thank you for the feedback, Kak Justin 😆 It means a lot!
Hii mbak Justin ☺️
It’s been a while hehe
I miss going to your blog and read your blogpost.. langsung auto click untuk baca life-update mbak Justin dan Mas Gepeng!
Congrats on your new house, vaccination and your new rescue cat, Deli..
So sorry hearing about Lila, you both did take the best care for her, and I believe that she is happy now 😇
I can’t wait for your future plan mbak, keep posting because I love reading all of them <3
Also, thank you for your encouragement, it means a lot!
Be safe always mbak Justin dan mas Gepenk